Amiralitetskyrkan och Gubben Rosenbom i Världsarvet Karlsrkrona
Utvandrarmonumentet i Karlshamn, Blekinge

Explore Blekinge's rich historical heritage

Discover Blekinge's historical sights and attractions!

Explore the unique historical sites where important events have occurred, from the Viking Age to the present day. Plan your discovery tour with the help of our list and map. Find the unique sites in the World Heritage Site of Karlskrona, on land and at sea. Visit the cities with exciting sights and experience guided tours and museums. Blekinge carries a rich heritage where Swedish and Danish cultural history meet. Take the opportunity to explore the captivating historical environments, which are still very much alive today!

Open the door to Blekinge's history

Blekinge's rich history awaits you!



Experience Karlskrona, a world heritage site in the midst of the archipelago on the stunning southeast coast of Sweden! With miles of scenic harbours, a lively maritime culture, and centuries of history, Karlskrona is the perfect destination for your next excursion. Explore ancient fortresses and traditional fishing villages. There is something for everyone in this breathtaking cultural and historical city. Book your trip to Karlskrona today and discover everything the region has to offer!

Drottningskärs Kastell på Aspö i Blekinge.
Discover secret Blekinge! Explore Drottningskär's Fortress on Aspö.


The City That Became a World Heritage Site

Over 300 years ago, the Swedish navy needed a protected location for a new naval base to defend the Swedish territories. Blekinge's archipelago was chosen, and the most skilled engineers, shipbuilders, and architects were hired to follow Karl XI's vision. The result was Karlskrona, a proud city with royal splendor.


Naval Museum & Our Maritime History

Today, Karlskrona is still a naval base, and the Naval Museum showcases the city's rich maritime history. Explore the history with the World Heritage Karlskrona app and experience the city's history on your own. Visit the Maritime Museum and discover the unique and exciting history of Karlskrona - from its origins as a naval base to today's modern city.

Karlskrona - med kunglig prakt

För över 300 år sedan behövde den svenska flottan en skyddad plats för en ny örlogsbas för att försvara de svenska landområdena. Blekinges skärgård valdes, och de skickligaste ingenjörerna, skeppsbyggarna och arkitekterna anlitades för att förverkliga Karl XI:s vision. Resultatet blev Karlskrona, en stolt stad med kunglig prakt.

Karlskrona - En stad med kunglig prakt. Besök Drottningskärs Kastell.
Besöksmål i Världsarvet Karlskrona.


Marinmuseum & vår Sjöfartshistoria

Idag är Karlskrona fortfarande en marinbas och Marinmuseum visar stadens rika sjöfartshistoria. Utforska historien med appen Världsarvet Karlskrona och upplev stadens historia på egen hand. Besök Marinmuseum och upptäck den unika och spännande historien om Karlskrona – från dess ursprung som marinbas till dagens moderna stad.
Marinmuseum i Karlskrona - Utställningar utomhus
Marinmuseum i Karlskrona med utställningar utomhus - Gå ombord på ett fartyg.

Besök Karlskrona

Se listan nedan med alla besöksmål och sevärdheter i världsarvsstaden Karlskrona:

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Ronneby is a historic city full of life with a rich history dating back to the Iron Age. This has made the city a centre for trade and an important meeting point for two main roads. Although Ronneby has experienced setbacks throughout the centuries, such as the Ronneby Massacre of 1564, the city has managed to survive and develop into today's popular tourist destination.


Ronneby Spa Resort

In 1705, the first iron-rich health spring was discovered in Ronneby, known as Ronneby Brunn, which helped make the city even more attractive to visitors from all over the world. Today, you can experience Ronneby's rich cultural heritage through its medieval streets and beautiful buildings and enjoy an overnight stay with a spa treatment at Ronneby Brunn Hotel.


The Cold Water Cure

Located in the heart of Ronneby Brunn Park is The Cold Water Cure. Here, you can learn about Ronneby's history through the exciting and informative exhibition. You can learn more about the discovery of the shipwreck Gribshunden and the Iron Age village of Västra Vång, with spectacular gold finds excavated. Visit the exhibition and experience Ronneby's rich history in a unique way in a beautiful environment.

Direktörsvillan i Ronneby Brunnspark i Blekinge. Foto: Michael Pettersson
The Director's Villa in Ronneby Brunnspark.

If you appreciate history and culture, Ronneby is a must-visit destination. Take the opportunity to experience the city's atmosphere and rich history. Explore the charming streets and unique nature of the area. You won't be disappointed!

Attractions & sights

- In the modern spa town of Ronneby

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Karlshamn, a Danish shipping port in the 17th century, later became a Swedish naval base and trading town. The city had a tough history with fires and outbreaks of plague, but its port and improved road connections made it an important trading town during the 18th century. Under Frans Cervin's tenure as mayor, trade, shipping, and industry in Karlshamn flourished, with shipyards, tobacco factories, wool and sock factories, dyeing facilities, starch factories, rope-making, soap-making, paper mills, and brickworks.


Carlshamn's Punsch

Today, you can experience the authentic Punsch factory environment at the Punsch Museum in Karlshamn, Blekinge. Don't miss the chance to visit this historic city and explore Karlshamn's rich culture and heritage. Plan your trip today!

Punschmuseet i Karlsham, i en autentisk punschfabrikmiljö.
Discover the authentic punch factory environment at Karlshamn Museum.


Karlshamns museum

Experience the exciting history of Karlshamn at the museum with your family and friends! The main building of the museum, the Smithska house, showcases the town's connection to the sea with exhibitions of boat models, fishing gear, and ship paintings.

Don't miss the Alice Tegnér memorial room or the exhibitions about typewriter production at Facit Halda in Svängsta, as well as the ones on glass and margarine production at Karlshamns AB and the Karlshamn-Vislanda railway. Also, make sure to visit the oldest house in Karlshamn, the Holländer House, located in the courtyard outside the museum.

In the block surrounding Drottninggatan, you can find the Skottbergska Gården, a merchant's house from the 18th century, where you can experience how a merchant family lived in the 1700s and 1800s.

Welcome to Karlshamn; this is an excursion you don't want to miss!

Attractions & sights

- in the commercial and port town of Karlshamn

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Discover a charming town full of medieval treasures that surround you as you reach the heart of the city - Stortorget. The eight streets that radiate from the corners will take you through the city's well-preserved buildings and fascinating architecture. The town's soft colour palette provides a unified and harmonious atmosphere that is unique to Sölvesborg.

Visit St. Nicolai Church , which represents Gothic architecture and medieval art. The church's mausoleum, runestone, and frescoes provide a captivating glimpse into history. Explore the fascinating architecture and rich cultural history that this important symbol of southern Sweden has to offer.


Lister Härads Courthouse

Experience an important piece of Sölvesborg's history in a simple way - visit Lister Härads Courthouse! This impressive building served as a courthouse until 2001. Architect Gunnar Asplund designed the courthouse with Nordic Classicism and 1920s neoclassical architecture and is considered today one of Sweden's finest examples of building architecture from this time.

Lister Härads Tingshus ritad av Gunnar Asplund, Sölvesborg i Blekinge.

Lister Härads Tingshus ritad av Gunnar Asplund, Sölvesborg i Blekinge.
Lister Härads Courthouse by Gunnar Asplund.


Don't miss experiencing this magnificent building from the early 1900s. Visit Lister Härads Courthouse and experience its beauty and history up close. So, welcome to book a trip and take part in a unique part of Sölvesborg's history.

Download the "Sölvesborg Guided Tours " app and experience the city's rich cultural history through live storytelling directly in your headphones. The tour covers 5.5 km and is a must for anyone who wants to experience the city's history in a more intimate way.

Want more tips and information? Visit the Tourist Office in Sölvesborg and get the latest updates on what the city has to offer.


Attractions & sights

- among medieval treasures in charming and picturesque Sölvesborg

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Discover a magical writer's district in the middle of the wilderness with a rich history and memorable places to visit. In Olofström, you'll find Alltidhults School, a historic primary school that Nobel Prize winner Harry Martinson and author Sven Edvin Salje studied at.

Next to the rushing Mörrumsån river, you'll find Fornebodastugan, a high-ceilinged cabin from the 1800s that has been declared a historical monument. Here, you'll get an authentic experience of what life was like back then, and the cabin has an interesting history with well-known guests such as opera singer Christina Nilsson and Jussi Björling. Visit this magical district and experience history up close!


The Valhall Cliff

Valhall is a fantastic viewpoint with a mysterious history that stretches far back in time. Located high above Lake Orlunden, the place has always been known as "the cliff of the ancestors". Despite uncertainty about the location's actual use, it is clear that the place has a strong connection to ancient times. Explore the beauty of Valhalla by driving all the way up to the viewpoint. The road winds through the beech forest and offers a wonderful view of the area.

Ättestupan Valhall i Olofström
Enjoy the magnificent view and mysterious history of Valhalla; it's a fantastic place to visit!


Museums in Olofström

Discover the history of the gallows! For a limited time, from June 14th to August 14th, this unique attraction is open to visitors. Explore the collection of gallows from different parts of the world. The Gallows Museum is one of the many small and exciting museums in Olofström that you shouldn't miss.

Also, see a collection of cameras from the 1800s in a separate museum also owned by Nils-Harald Ottosson and Johnny Karlsson, the museum's owners. During the first three weeks, the museum is staffed by guest hosts who are ready to guide you through the exhibition and answer all your questions.

Book your trip now and experience a unique and authentic history at these memorable places!

Attractions & sights

- in the culturally rich writer's village of Olofström

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Immerse yourself in Blekinge's history:

Explore our articles on the region's fascinating past.