Paddla i Karlskrona skärgård. Blekinge Outdoor.
Paddla i Blekinges största sjö Halen. Hyr utrustning på Halen Kanot i Olofström.

The best paddling location

What is outdoor in Swedish ...? Being active outdoors, perhaps? In any case, here in Blekinge you will have nature right on your doorstep and the next experience is never far away. Whether you want fast-paced adventures or quiet and safe moments with the family, whether you are an experienced or a beginner, paddling is a very good idea right here where we have water for all tastes: sea and archipelago, lake, rapids and river. And there are plenty of low, kayak-friendly piers that make it safe and easy to get out and land. By canoe, kayak and SUP, you can get close to seals and sea eagles - reaching all the way to the smallest islet - because you glide on the surface, with no engines to interfere.

Paddla kajak i Ronneby skärgård, Blekinge.

Welcome to the waters of Blekinge! Enjoy every moment on the coast and every day of paddling.


Paddling in Blekinge

Discover the magic of Blekinge: Paddle your way through an enchanting unspoilt nature and let the feeling of well-being embrace you!

The unique thing about paddling in Blekinge is the lush archipelago and the many islands. The large number of lakes embedded in an exciting wilderness. You can also paddle in the Mörrumsån river or seek adventure in the slightly calmer Ronnebyån river. For the brave there is the perfect environment for Kitesurfing.

Whether you are a beginner or experienced, there is a wide range of day trips and longer expeditions to choose from. Stay overnight and paddle for several days, or paddle along trails and book accommodation after each stage. At the hubs of the interconnecting trails you can change modes of transport, enjoy a meal or stay overnight if you wish. Here you will find all canoe and kayak offers in Blekinge - Rent a canoe, kayak & SUP.

Paddling in a lake

A paddling adventure in the middle of Sweden's southernmost wilderness.

Welcome to paddle in the Swedish wilderness where the lakes attract a real adventure. Paddling in Blekinge's lakes is a peaceful but exciting experience, in the middle of a pristine and lush forest. Paddle to a small cape and go ashore to take a break. At the lakes you can hire everything from canoes and kayaks to equipment and SUP boards. It suits the whole family, of all ages.

Paddla i Blekinge största sjö Halen tillsammans med familjen.

The canoe centre next to Lake Halen offers a complete package with everything you need for a successful paddling trip. You can hire canoes, kayaks, fishing kayaks or stand-up paddleboards and life jackets. You will also get advice and tips on paddling techniques and suitable routes to paddle. A map will also be provided with tips on the best resting places. The aim is for you to have a safe and comfortable experience where everything is organised so that you can focus entirely on paddling and the beautiful nature around you. Who do you want to take with you?

Read more & book paddling trips here - Halen Canoe Olofström

Paddling in a lake system

Paddle in the interconnected lakes Halen, Raslången and Immeln. Here you can create a unique canoeing adventure tailored to you and your friends. With Halen Kanot in Olofström you will be able to plan your route in this attractive lake system. Experience the thrill of paddling through calm waters surrounded by a beautiful wilderness.

Paddla i sjöna Halen. Hyr utrusning hos Halen Kanot. Blekinge

Karta över kanotleder och sjösystem i Olofström, Blekinge
Planera din paddling med hjälp av

Glide across these picturesque lakes in an unforgettable paddle trip through the lake system. Do you want help with equipment and route planning?


Contact - Halen Canoe in Olofström



- in Blekinge Archipelago

One of the most valuable experiences of sea kayaking in the archipelago is the unique combination of rocks, islands and sheltered bays that can give you an opportunity to discover a variety of beautiful places.

It is also intriguing with the rich marine biology of the area with various wild animals that can be discovered during the paddle. But above all, paddling provides a unique opportunity to get close to nature and experience it in a way that is not possible from land.

Paddla havskajak i Blekinge.

Discover the best places to paddle from with the ark56 app! In Blekinge, there are more than 30 kayak piers and beach spots that are perfectly adapted for you to get in and out of your kayak easily from the beach. All the places are marked and labelled in the ark56 app and are located along our kayak trails so that you can plan your paddling trip safely.

Visit the website with an overview map and discover Blekinge's fantastic kayak sites. Or even better, download the app today and plan your next paddling adventure already now.

Paddelkompaniet i Ronneby

Paddelkompaniet in Ronneby

Did you know that you can explore the Canoe Trail Ronnebyån and Blekinge archipelago for up to a whole week with Paddelkompaniet's canoeing package?  Not only will you get transport and outdoor equipment, but also customised accommodation and food packages to make your trip as comfortable as possible.

Plus, with professional kayaking courses for both beginners and experienced paddlers.

Discover a world of adventure on the water with Paddelkompaniet in Ronneby!


Läs mer & boka här - Paddelkompaniet


Kajakpaddling i Karlskrona skärgård

Sea kayaking in Karlskrona

Once on the water, the feeling of total relaxation and freedom is hard to beat. The sound of the waves, the birds and the fresh air are a wonderful experience. Whether you are gliding along the coast or exploring hidden bays, the sea offers a feeling that is out of the ordinary. Along the Blekinge coast there are plenty of hidden gems that you can explore from the kayak. Rent a canoe, kayak & SUP in Karlskrona archipelago through:



Paddle in rivers

Mörrumsån is popular with kayaking enthusiasts for its rushing waters. The best time for paddling is between May and September, when the weather is warmer and slightly calmer.

Ronnebyån, which has a canoe route of about 70 kilometres through the wilderness from Hovmantorp in Småland to Karlsnäsgården in Blekinge. The landscape along the river varies and includes narrow, winding sections and long lakes surrounded by deep forests with rich wildlife.

Experience the excitement of rafting in Mörrumsån! Book now and feel the adrenaline pumping. Our experienced staff takes care of all equipment and gives you a safe and fun experience.

Read more & book here -

Experience exciting river paddling in genuine wilderness with family, friends or colleagues. Choose an experience ranging from a few hours to a week.

Read more & book here -


Stand up paddling

Experience the joy of Blekinge from the water with a stand-up paddleboard. Blekinge is made to be experienced from the water with the board as a means of transport. Since you are standing up, you can easily look out over the views. Equipment for a SUP experience can be found in several places, including Olofströms Kanotcentral, Seasick in Sölvesborg, Karlskrona Kajak, Blekinge Surf in Ronneby where you will also find SUP66 which also rents out inflatable kayaks.

Paddla SUP i Blekinge

Blekinge is a peaceful and exciting experience for paddleboard enthusiasts. There are lots of rental companies providing SUP boards, different types of SUP boards, including inflatables. Don't wait - book your SUP experience now, you won't regret it!



Gokaya - en app för digital bokning av kajak, kanot och SUP vid en obemannad station i Blekinge.
Gokaya's unmanned station at the Sölvesborg Bridge. Via the Gokaya app, you can rent a kayak, canoe, SUP and boat at an unmanned station in the town of Sölvesborg.

Discover Blekinge from the water

- Paddle your way to new adventures

Enjoy nature without travelling far: Experience the benefits of outdoor activities and choices near you! Here are three great activities to choose from:



Try Kitesurfing

Come and take part in the best kitesurfing in Blekinge!

With exceptional winds and a stunning coastline, you can experience the thrill of kitesurfing in a unique and beautiful setting. Not only will you enjoy the adrenaline rush of this high-energy sport, you will also benefit from improved balance, coordination and strength.

Experience the adrenaline - Try kitesurfing with experienced instructors!


Articles about paddling

Are you ready to explore the archipelago of Blekinge in a unique and exciting way? Discover the beautiful nature, the calm on the water and the views by kayaking in some of the most picturesque areas in southern Sweden. Let yourself be inspired by the articles on paddling Blekinge archipelago here.

Book your kayaking experience today for a memorable and relaxing stay in Blekinge!


Where do you want to paddle?

Discover the waters of Blekinge with the help of our renters! You will find companies that rent out canoes, kayaks and SUP. We also offer guided tours and lessons for an even more memorable experience. Bring your friends or family and embark on an unforgettable adventure on the water!

Where do you want to start? Check out our hire companies and book your next kayaking trip now:


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Gokaya - Boka en paddlingsupplevelse digitalt

Gokaya - Boka din paddlingsupplevelse via appen Gokaya & hämta ut kanot, kajak eller SUP på en obemannad station på utvalda platser i Blekinge.


Får man paddla överallt?

Du kan ta dig fram nästan överallt längs våra kuster, i sjöar och vattendrag och du får bada vid stränder. För att alla ska kunna njuta av naturen och för att vi inte ska skada djur och natur behöver vi visa hänsyn.

Allemansrätten - Paddling, Naturvårdsverket