tjej som springer i vårsolen

The best spot for those lovely days off 

Wow! What a difference the extra light and warmth make. And those days off that pop up a bit here and there during spring do not exactly hurt either. Do you also feel like discovering something new? See other views, try new flavors, take on new active challenges? Spring is a fresh start and Blekinge is the place to go to enjoy Easter, public holidays and the ever brighter evenings.  

Here you will find package deals, events and lots of inspiration on how to make the most of your breaks and weekends this spring. Pick and choose or, just get over here and start experiencing – you will find that everything is within reach. 


Welcome to Blekinge! 

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Spring, sprang, sprung!

ENJOY THE EASTER HOLIDAY | Excited about spring? Stoked even? Come to Blekinge and get soaked in outdorsy springtime pleasures during your days off. There are plenty of indoor-adventures as well. 

friluftsliv och påskmat

UP FOR ART, CULTURE AND GREAT FLAVORS? | Go to Sölvesborg to experience an artsy easter during Konstexplosion and pay a visit to a farm shop. Why not go on a guided tour in the Naval city of Karlskrona, a World Heritage site? A visit to the archipelago is another great choice, check out the schedule for the boats and ferries that take you there here: skärgårdstrafiken



Family fun


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Great-tasting Blekinge

Breakfast, lucnh and dinner for all tastes and budgets. And the fika off course. We offer plenty of lovely cafés and restaurants in beatiful surroundings. Prefer cooking yourself? Pay a visit to a farm shop and get started. 

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Accommodation for all


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More inspiration for your spring visit to Blekinge