Outdoor cooking i Blekinge

Outdoor cooking

Outdoor cooking i Blekinge


It is a lovely spring day today. Should we cook outside?

-Yes! Should we grill sausages or?

-Yes ... or should we bring sandwiches and thermos with coffee?

Does that sound familiar? You're not alone ... do you want inspiration on what to do instead? Read on, and I'll share some awesome outdoor recipes and inspirational photos, which will hopefully make you raise the bar the next time you cook over a fire, out in the open.


Outdoor cooking i Blekinge med Nature by Andreas


More and more people are finding out in nature. Great fun, I like working with outdoor life and outdoor activities. However, really cooking out is an activity that many people forget. I try to get other interested people to rediscover this enjoyable activity, both through my open fire cooking classes but also through my appreciated After Work with 3 courses over an open fire.


Outdoor cooking i Blekinge

Cooking outdoors can be as complicated as possible, or as simple as that. A versatile tool you may have seen is a steak hob that you place over the fire. On this one can fry everything possible. Depending on how you put the stove over the fire, you can, e.g. get a frying zone and a hot hold zone. Another of my favourite tools is a dutch oven. Actually, it is a large cast-iron cauldron, but with an important detail - the bottom and the lid are completely flat! This allows you to place the pot in the glow and then place glowing charcoal on top of the cover. This will give you over and under heat! In practice, you get an oven. Neat? Here you can bake bread, cinnamon buns, pizza, lasagna, pots and soups. A truly versatile tool. So, instead of thinking "what recipes can you cook over a fire?" Try to think "what recipes can I cook in an oven, casserole or frying pan at home".


God viltgryta lagad outdoor


As a fun and useful, addition to cooking food over the fire and glow, you can actually cook food directly in the light. Some of my favourites are chocolate muffins and scrambled eggs. These can be prepared in an orange or in a potato!


Muffins med apelsinsmak, enkelt att laga outdoor

Now spring is here, and at least I want to take advantage of that. I think it is one of the most delightful moments of the year! The sun is starting to feel warm, the trees are beginning to look vibrant, and the seasons are changing. Just such a lovely spring day, a friend and I went out to the Älmtasjön windshield to enjoy a day in the sun and cook delicious food!


Outdoor cooking i Blekinge

Lake Älmtasjön is located northeast of Karlskrona, outside Kättilsmåla. Here the Blekinge Trail, which extends throughout Blekinge, passes from west to east, and along the trail, there are many prepared windshields with fireplace and wood. Lake Älmtasjön is one such place with a gentle breeze up on a hill overlooking the small lake. We picked up our equipment and groceries and lit a fire. While the fire burns down to an incandescent bed, we enjoy a cup of coffee while preparing our food. It's great to just unwind and not hurry. It is somewhat satisfying to just let things take the time it takes. For starters, there will be scrambled eggs that we cook in a potato. The main course will be a savoury stew with diced fried potato. For dessert, we make two kinds of chocolate muffins. Everything we prepare and make laws in place. The only thing we made a little easier for us was to bring pre-mixed muffin batter into a plastic bottle. You don't have to complicate things unnecessarily? When cooking several dishes over the fire, it is lovely that it pulls out a little on time. After a big load of food, we wash the worst of the place. We take the rest when we get home. We still have some coffee left in the thermos. What a hassle, I think we're throwing extra firewood on the fire and enjoying some more ...




scrambled eggs


Outdoor cooking i Blekinge


  • Cut off the top of a large potato. Save the lid
  • Cut out the potatoes, save at least 0.5 cm thick "walls" (keep the potato you are digging out and use for the main course!)
  • Pour in salt, pepper, fresh chilli, bacon pieces, grated cheese
  • Mix around with a fork - place on the lid and place in the glow
  • Ready after a few minutes (depending on how hot the fire is and what texture you want on your eggs)
  • Remove the lid, sprinkle on some finely chopped chives
  • Ready to serve!


Outdoor cooking i Blekinge


Outdoor cooking i Blekinge




chocolate muffins


Chokladmuffins som lagas outdoor i Blekinge


  • Cut off the top on an orange
  • Grab the orange (save the orange meat and eat until your ready-made muffins!)
  • Pour in your cupcake batter
  • Put on the lid and place in the glow
  • Ready after a few minutes
  • Remove the cover
  • Ready to serve!


An excellent main course to cook on a roasting hob is the stew of wild boar. In Blekinge we have several producers of game meat, so you know that you can always get locally produced and organic meat!



stew of wild boar

4 portions


Andreas viltskavsgryta, Outdoor cooking i Blekinge


  • Organic wild boar 250g
  • funnel Chanterelles
  • 1 yellow onion
  • 5dl cream
  • Broth dice or fund
  • Dijon juice 1 tbsp
  • Oil or butter to fry
  • Salt, pepper, thyme, dried juniper berries
  • Lingonberry jam
  • Potatoes
  • Haricots verts
  • Dice and roast the potatoes (place on the hot holding part of the roasting pan when done)
  • Fry the onion, mushroom and meat
  • Add cream, spices, broth/fondant, dijon mustard
  • Stir together all ingredients in the roasting pan
  • Add the haricots host
  • Taste
  • Served with lingonberry jam


 Outdoor Cooking med Nature By Andreas


I hope that with these pictures and text, you have found new inspiration to go out into our beautiful nature to cook a good meal! ARK56 is filled with exciting places waiting to be discovered. Feel free to take a picture the next time you're out, tag it with #naturebyandreas and tell us what you've done. Should be exciting to see what recipes you just try, invent or take with you!

Boka Outdoor Cooking

tillsammans med Nature By Andreas