You do not have to go to Africa to go on game safaris - it is enough to stop at Eriksberg outside Karlshamn. The four-wheel-drive terrain image seen on the African savannah works equally well among the exotic animal species that roam freely in the nature reserve. With an eight-square-meter window pane and camera windows, the subjective experience is maximized among the wild, pigeon, wild boar, muffle sheep, vines, david deer and a variety of birds. If you choose night safari, you can also see foxes, minks, bats and owls.

Why go to Africa, when you can go to Eriksberg?

Eriksberg Vilt & Natur, Blekinge
Game safari, gourmet food and luxury accommodation.


If you want to do a fossil-free safari, you can choose a bicycle as a means of transport. A highlight is the coffee stop at Utsikten, where you enjoy the view and the delicious sandwich from the kitchen at the Eriksberg Hotel & Nature Reserve. A real height is Eriksberg's eagle safari and the search for sea trout, the most giant bird of prey in Northern Europe with a wing width of up to two and a half meters!



African lodge

At Eriksberg you live as in a wild African lodge in the middle of Blekinge. Take the opportunity to combine your overnight stay with a safari tour, try afternoon tea or customize your own activity. Here you sleep comfortably in hotel rooms of a high standard. There are an outdoor jacuzzi and a relaxing relaxation area inside, all the time overlooking the savannah where the wild animals graze. So calm and so beautiful!

Eriksberg Vilt & Natur, Blekinge
Overnight overlooking the savannah and the wildlife.



Glamping at Eriksberg

- camping with gold edge

Overnight with direct proximity to the wild and views of Lake Färsksjön with one of the world's most extensive stock of red water lilies blooming from midsummer to September. The decor is specially designed and mattresses, pillows and duvets are of the same high standard as in the hotel rooms. Two people, with a badge at check-in and breakfast in the yard. Read more and book here - Glamping at Eriksberg

Glamping på Eriksberg i Blekinge
Fall asleep and wake up near the wild.




"Hideaway" in Blekinge

There is an exclusive accommodation with a hotel section that serves as a "hideaway" for meetings, relaxation and overnight stays. Here you have direct access to sea views and plains where the wild animals roam freely. To book this accommodation you need to contact Eriksberg directly.



Bike safari

- A nature experience that beats most things. Bicycle safari is a group activity. Gather family and friends for an experience you can share. If you are lucky, you can watch twenty sea eagles hover over Eriksberg - a magnificent and powerful sight.
Bicycle safari at Eriksberg in Blekinge

Cykelsafari på Eriksberg i Blekinge
Book a bicycle safari with family and friends, or why not a team training with the job?




- with flavours from Blekinge

At Eriksberg, you can enjoy tastings that affect all your senses. Visenten is Blekinge's best restaurant and mentioned in the White Guide. In the restaurant Sea Havorn you can eat food with that little extra; Swedish flavours, cooking from the ground and raw materials from the farm. Everything prepared with skill and a great experience.

Fine dining på Eriksberg i Blekinge

Wine cellar & connoisseur

Eriksberg has room for close to 9000 wine bottles in its wine cellar. The range contributes to exciting new flavour combinations and takes the overall experience to a new level. The composition of food and drink is created by Eriksberg's restaurant manager and sommelier, together with all competent chefs on site.

Exklusivt vinsortiment på Eriksberg i Blekinge


I gårdsbutiken hittar du egenproducerade viltprodukter tillsammans med småskaligt tillverkade delikatesser som marmelad, kryddor och vinäger. Butiken säljer också kvalitetskläder, väskor och andra accesoarer. Klassiskt och stiligt!


Fakta om Eriksberg

Det vilda livet på Eriksberg i Blekinge


Den inhägnade delen av Eriksberg är cirka 925 hektar, vilket gör Eriksberg till ett av norra Europas största vilthägn och Nordens största safaripark. Inom området vandrar en stam av vilda djur fördelat såhär:

  • 250-300 Kronvlit
  • 700-800 Dovvilt
  • 300-350 Vildsvin
  • 150-200 Mufflon
  • Cirka 55 Visenter 
  • Drygt 20 Davidshjort
Välkommen till en vild värld!

Exclusive Offers

Do not miss Eriksberg's fun family days, dark safari and wild flavours created with Sweden's most skilled Master chefs. Book your experience right now, or spoil someone you like.

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