Midsummer celebration in Ronneby Brunnspark (copy)

  • Ronneby
  • turist@ronneby.se
  • Ronneby Brunnspark, Peace Plan 10.00 - 16.00
    Free admission

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Every year, Ronneby Brunnspark arranges traditional Midsummer's Day celebrations where music, entertainment and dancing are offered around the midsummer pole. A recurring event arranged by Ronneby Municipality


Location Fredsplatsen, Ronneby Brunnspark
Pack a picnic, basket and blanket and join in and celebrate traditional Midsummer celebrations in Ronneby Brunnspark.

10.00 - 12.30 Welcome to dress the midsummer pole
13.00 Dancing around the midsummer pole
14.30 Olle Björngreen entertainment
15.00 Dance around the midsummer pole
15.30 Olle Björngreen entertains
16.00 Thank you for us and continued Happy Midsummer

Sale of sweets and drinks as well as Midsummer-inspiring crafts in wood.

Welcome and celebrate Midsummer's Eve with us!

Organizer: Ronneby Kommun

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