Tjurkö Stenhuggeri

  • Karlskrona
  • Tjurkövägen - 370 44 - Tjurkö
  • <% getFormattedDate(occasion) %> <% setPopoverDateLabel(occasion) %>

Tjurkö Steinarbeiten - Die Steinmetzwerkstatt an Tjurkö war um 1900 ein von der grössten Arbetsplätze Schwedens, mit ungefähr 2000 Arbeiter.


The stone-cutting workshop here was one of the country's largest place of work around 1900; there were about 2000 workers. The great stone quarries still bear witness today of the hard work. A self-guided tour leads the visitor around the quarry and surrounding buildings, and an exhibit adds extra life to the époque.

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