Lecture at the Naval Museum: Threats, Security, and Identity

How do our perceptions of gender, sexuality, and race influence our views on threats and security? Welcome to a lecture and panel discussion focusing on gender and norms.

Welcome, May 3rd at 18:00.


Join researcher Katharina Kehl as she explores how norms and identities have shaped our understanding of security – both historically and today. Based on her research and the book Boundaries of Queerness, Katharina addresses questions such as who is seen as a threat and who is protected?

The lecture will provide examples from the Swedish Armed Forces' campaigns and the brochure "If Crisis or War Comes", discussing how gender and norms play a role in societal security. You will also gain insight into how particularly vulnerable groups, such as LGBTQ+ individuals and those affected by violence, are included or excluded in these narratives.

The evening will conclude with a panel discussion that delves into the complexity of issues surrounding threats and security from a gender perspective.

100 SEK (free entry with an annual pass)

About the speaker:
Katharina Kehl is a researcher and former lecturer at Lund University with a background in peace and development studies. Her work focuses on sexuality, identity, and security from an intersectional perspective. Katharina has extensive experience in teaching and norm-critical education, particularly within LGBTQ+ competence.

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