Jazz in Karlskrona - Anders Hagberg & Unit

Welcome to a unique musical experience with Anders Hagberg & Unit!


Join us on a musical journey that weaves together traditional Nordic music with influences from all corners of the world. Joik, Inuit songs, folk chorales, ballads and songs meet in an innovative and transgressive interpretation that takes us beyond time and space.

With his masterful improvisation and characteristic tonal language, Anders Hagberg - flutist, saxophonist and professor of musical performance - creates magic together with the established ensemble Unit:
Niclas Höglin - guitar
Kristofer Johansson - drums
Jonas Castell - double bass

Together they explore the archetypal qualities of melodies where musical motifs from the Middle East, North America, Japan and Siberia emerge. The result? A deeply moving fusion of jazz and world music.

Did you know? In 2011 Anders Hagberg & Unit released the album “Unit Jazz & World”, where these influences meet and blossom in a unique soundscape.

When is the show? Monday, March 10, at 19:30

Where? Foyer of the Concert Hall, Karlskrona

Tickets: Sold at the box office 30 minutes before the concert.

Adult - 200 SEK
pensioner - 170 kr
member - 150 kr
student over 20 years - 50 kr
student under 20 years - free

Let yourself be swept away by music that unites the local and the global, the simple and the complex - an evening to remember for all music lovers!

You are welcome to join us!

Do you want to become a member of Jazz i Karlskrona?
Membership costs 150,- per year. Please transfer the amount to bankgiro 738-5594 and state your name and address.

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