"De utmaningar vi står inför"

Show at Folkets Hus Karlshamn.


Social satire on speed as Johanna Lazcano takes on the roles of key contemporary ideological figures: an influencer, a special needs teacher and a sex counsellor.

Meet Filippa von Sère, who wants to save the earth through electricity-free skincare consumption, Yolanda del Toro, who wants feminists to give men back their lost cojones, and Eva, a kind special needs teacher who suffers from post-colonial stress syndrome when she tries to organise the school's anti-racist Lucia parade.

Actor Johanna Lazcano tackles both wigs and today's toughest issues in this critically acclaimed humour show.

Date/time: 23 February at 15:00
Location: Folkets Hus Karlshamn
Playing time: 60 minutes
Price: 100 SEK. Young people up to 20 years 70 SEK. Members of Karlshamns Riksteaterförening free admission. Annual meeting after the performance.
Buy tickets at Nortic.se (see booking link), Lundins Bokhandel or Stora Coop. Leftover tickets at the box office from 14:00.
Unnumbered seats.
The show is in Swedish.

Organiser: Karlshamns Riksteaterförening

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